December 2015

December, 2015                                                                  Volume 10   Number 4


Happy Holidays to our HLA family and friends!!

December 10th – HLA holiday program – Tioga stage – 6:00 p.m. – all grades (invitation on reverse) December 11th – Progress reports go home.

December 16th & 17th – Field trips to Dudley Farms December 18th  – Pajama Day

December 21st – January 3rd  – No school – Winter holiday break

January Parent Involvement Nights (7th- Grades 1/3/5) (14th  – Grades K/2/4)


*At HLA, we strive to create a balance between academics, health, and fitness. This year we have added academic honor roll each nine weeks. Students must earn all A’s or E’s on their report cards to qualify for honor roll. A certificate of merit will be sent home with report cards each nine weeks. We have also made a change to our Morning Mile ceremonies in order to minimize disruptions to instructional time. We will continue our geography tours, but we will be sending home the Morning Mile charms with the children three times a year instead of presenting them at school. If you have any questions regarding these changes, please feel free to contact me.


*We are in need of people to sign up through the Sign Up Genius on our website to help out with Morning Mile, gardening, Run Club, cleaning, and other regular chores. We had a lot of help at the beginning of the year and would like to see that trend continue. We cannot hold Morning Mile or Run Club without regular volunteers. We are also looking for someone to help track miles at home.


*In conjunction with our Morning Mile program, we will be participating in the Five Points of Life Kids Marathon on Saturday, February 20th . Visit their website for information and to register your children. Registration is free until January 15th.


*We will be holding our holiday program on December 10th at 6:00 p.m. at the Tioga center stage area. Please bring chairs or blankets. This event is open to the public, so family and friends are all welcome. Please be sure the children arrive by 5:45 at the latest, so we can prepare for the performance.


*Just a reminder that if you shop at Amazon, please go through the link at our HLA website (  A portion of all sales goes to the school.


*We did not beat our last year’s first submission goal for Box Tops, but we will be submitting again in February, so please continue to save those Box Tops! Our February school-wide goal to beat is 4,445 Box Tops. We did raise $262 through the Box Tops submission, $2,500 from our Walk-A-Thon and

$450 from our Movie Night.  Thanks to everyone who participated in these fundraising events!


Your children are our priority! J