January, 2016 Volume 10 Number 5
Happy New Year!!
*January 7th/14th – Parent Involvement Nights – Writing/Middle School – Invite on reverse side
*January 12th – HLA Board of Directors meeting – 4:00 p.m.
*January 18th – No school – Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday holiday
*January 25th – No school – teacher workday
*As we return back to school, please remember the following: Send a healthy snack and a fresh water bottle (labeled) with your children every day! Research has confirmed that it is imperative for your children’s health and learning that they stay hydrated and eat healthy. Please send plastic ware and napkins with snacks and lunch. Please double check to ensure your children have all their belongings (backpack, folders, water bottles, snack and lunch bags, and outer clothing) when they leave at the end of the day, and when picking up from after care. Please check our lost and found for missing items.
*We will be participating in the Five Points of Life Kids Marathon on Saturday, February 20th . It is free to register before January 15th , with a small fee after that date. Even if your child has not been participating in Run Club or Morning Mile, this is a great opportunity to get them out there to walk/run one mile. All participants receive beautiful medals and t-shirts. For more information and to register your children please visit: http://www.fivepointsoflife.com/race/registration/kids-marathon/
Some of the children and parents may want to run the actual 5K race. We hope to have excellent school representation for this amazing community event which helps promote blood and organ donation. The small school with the highest percent turnout wins $500 toward their PE program. Millhopper Montessori School has won this award every year. It would be wonderful for HLA to have enough participants to win! If you have questions, ask an HLA staff member and they will be happy to help!
*If you have a child who you would like to register for kindergarten in August of 2016, please email Mrs. Egan so that she can send you an application. Applications must be turned in before the March 1st deadline in order for your child to be considered for admission.
* *A big THANK YOU to all who are already volunteering on a regular basis!! We love and appreciate you all! We have many opportunities coming up during the second half of the year. Please visit our website at www.healthylearningacademy.com and click on the Volunteer Activity Calendar link to find out how you can help. We cannot continue to offer Morning Mile, Run Club, library, gardening or many of our other programs without dedicated volunteers. If people could just sign up for one time slot a week or month, the burden of the work would not continue to fall on the same group of people and everyone could easily fulfil their volunteer commitment.
Thank you for your continued support of your children’s education and school!