Classroom Activities Committee

Overall Coordinator: Cathy Stubee,

Two Coordinators are assigned to each classroom, along with one for after-school, one for Music/Art, and one for Physical Education.  Assignments for 2015-2016 school year are:

Responsibilities: Classroom Activities Coordinators recruit and coordinate other parent volunteers for teacher/classroom activities, and may also choose to sign up for some of the duties themselves, as a member of the class.

Typical activities for families to earn in-class volunteer hours:

  • Listening to students read/one-on-one reading
  • Class cooking projects
  • Class gardening projects

Typical activities for families to earn non-class volunteer hours:

  • Administrative needs (copying, laminating, etc.)
  • Cleaning yoga mats
  • Cleaning desks and chairs
  • Organizing Class Parties
  • Organizing celebrations for Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Hospitality (Volunteer Orientation/recruit volunteers from your class, Kindergarten Round-Up, new family orientation)

Although there are tasks common to all classrooms, each teacher has unique needs and schedule.  Classroom Activities Coordinators work with teachers to determine their needs and schedule parental hours as necessary.

Please contact Cathy Stubee ( with any overall questions about the Classroom Activities Committee, or contact the individual class Coordinator if you would like to volunteer for some of the activities in that class.