Board of Directors Meeting- March 31, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Bettianne Ford
- Welcome/Introductions –
Board members present at the meeting: Bettianne Ford, Carolyn Lichty, Sharon Sperling, Wendy Heimann, and Sheila Crapo. Also attending, Anni Egan (Principal), Amber Matts, Peggy Ford, and Bernd Liesenfeld
- Old Business –
Review old minutes –
Wendy Heimann moved to approve the November minutes. Sheila Crapo seconded. The board unanimously approved the minutes.
Carolyn Lichty moved to approve the December minutes. Sheila Crapo seconded. The board unanimously approved the minutes.
- New Business –
Status of the charter approval. Principal Egan will present the charter renewal to SBAC on April 7th. Carolyn Lichty and Wendy Heimann will also attend.
Sharon Sperling reviewed all bank statements prior to March and found all in order.
Budgets –
Sheila Crapo moved to approve budget expenditures, as amended, for January and February, 2015. Carolyn Lichty seconded. The board unanimously approved the budget.
Board –
- Bettianne Ford brought discussion to the table that the board may want to revise the number of board members since we are a small school and the number seems to stay steady at 5-7 at any given time. The board discussed and will vote on a resolution at the April 2015 meeting.
- Bettianne also brought discussion regarding board training requirements. The board agreed that it would like to require new board members to complete training and be fingerprinted within 30 days of being appointed. New board members will be allowed to fully participate and vote beginning with the next meeting following completion of these requirements.
- Roger Morales resigned from the Board of Directors, effective immediately.
- Wendy Heimann told the board that she will be resigning from the board in June due to work obligations.
- Bernd Liesenfeld and Peggy Ford presented their resumes to the board. Sharon Sperling moved to appoint both board member applications. Sheila Crapo seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously to approve.
Parent Representative Report –
Wendy Heimann brought some parent issues/concerns to the board.
The board agreed that it would be helpful if the liaison could set up meetings between Principal Egan and parents with concerns. If the concerns cannot be resolved by that discussion, then the board requests that the parent representative bring unresolved issues to the board.
The board agreed that our policies should state that parents be notified if discipline spans more than one day.
- Public Comment Period – Peggy Ford suggested that the board seek an additional member who has an elementary education background. Board members agreed and stated they have been trying to find such an individual and will continue to do so.
- 2015 Meeting Schedule confirm
April 21st – Subsequently rescheduled to April 28th
May 19th
June 16th
All meetings are held 4:30 – 6 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
- Bettianne adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Anni Egan for approval at the April meeting